School of Agriculture and Biotechnology


The School of Agriculture and Biotechnology aims at training highly skilled manpower for the Kenyan Agricultural sector. The School currently offers several undergraduate programs that include Horticulture; Food Science and Nutrition; Agricultural Economics and Resource Management; Agricultural Extension and Rural Development.

We endeavour to equip our students with hands on experience through extensive practical sessions in our laboratory. Our students also gain more experience through practical lessons in the university farm; and by positive engagement with the farming community that neighbours the university.

Karatina University is situated in a rich agricultural area of Nyeri County with small scale farmers engaging in horticulture, tea and coffee farming, keeping of dairy cattle, goats for milk, chicken, rabbits, bees and fish farming.
We also offer Diploma and Certificate courses in Tea Technology.

The School comprises of three departments namely:-
– Food Science and Nutrition

The Department’s structure

– Agricultural Resource Economics & Economics
– Crop Science

We train our students not just to be employees but also employers. We equip them with relevant skills and encourage them to use their extensive knowledge in establishing and running gainful Agricultural enterprises. We also prepare them to become researchers and scholars in Agriculture; so that they help in generation of more knowledge.

However some of the key employers in the Agricultural Sector include: The Horticultural industry locally and globally; vegetable, flower and fruit enterprises; Relevant Government of Kenya Ministries; Public, Private, Tertiary and Secondary training institutions locally and globally; Public and Private Research Institutions e.g. KARI, TRF, CRF, KEFRI, KEPHIS and other regional and international organizations; Relevant Non-governmental organizations; Industrial crops based firms; Gene Banks and Genetic conservation centres.

Postgraduate Programmes


Holder of a Masters degree in Soil Sciences and one publication OR Holder of other qualifications considered by Karatina University Senate as equivalent of a Masters degree in the relevant field.


Holder of a Masters degree in Plant Pathology and one publication OR Holder of other qualifications considered by Karatina University Senate as equivalent of a Masters degree in the relevant field.


Upper Second class honors degree and above in Horticulture/Agriculture OR Second class lower degree in Horticulture/Agriculture with at least two years relevant experience or one research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.


Upper Second class honours degree and above in Agriculture OR Second class lower degree in Agriculture with at least two years relevant experience or one research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.


Upper Second class honors degree and above in Agriculture OR Second class lower degree in Agriculture with at least two years relevant experience or one research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.


Upper Second class honours degree and above in Soil Science OR Second class lower degree in Soil Science with at least two years relevant experience or one research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.


Bachelor of Science Degree in Horticulture/Agriculture and any other related discipline from a recognized institution.

Undergraduate Programmes


Minimum mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE with a C in Mathematics and C+ in any two of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, or Home science OR 2 principal passes and one subsidiary pass in above subjects at ‘A’ level OR holders of a recognized Diploma in Agriculture or related discipline from a recognized institution. More Details



Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Minimum mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE with a C in Chemistry or Physical Science; Biology or Biological Science; English or Kiswahili; Physics; Mathematics; OR 2 principal passes and one subsidiary pass in above subjects at ‘A’ level OR holders of a recognized Diploma in Agriculture or related discipline from a recognized institution.More Details

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension Education

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics & Resource Management

Diploma Programmes

Diploma in Horticulture

Diploma in Agriculture

Diploma in Tea Husbandry and Management

Diploma in Tea Trade and Economics

Diploma in Tea Processing and Quality Assurance



Horticulture is one of the leading agricultural sub sectors that provide income, food, raw materials for industries and employment in Kenya. Horticulture is both a science and an art of production, utilization, processing, distribution, marketing, conservation and improvement of fruits, vegetables, flowers & ornamental plants. BSc. Horticulture programme covers all different aspects in the value chain of horticultural crops, starting with soil science and management, plant propagation, seed science and technology, breeding and plant biotechnology, crop production under field and greenhouse conditions, plant protection, postharvest and marketing. Our BSc. Horticulture is comprehensive and prepares students to become leaders in the following fields:

  • Flower farms
  • Vegetable farms
  • Fruit farms
  • Seed companies
  • Agricultural research institutions
  • Agricultural training institutions
  • Ministry of Agriculture and County Agriculture Office
  • Agrochemical sector (pesticides, fertilizers)
  • Plant propagation nurseries
  • Organic agriculture enterprises
  • Landscaping and ornamentals production firms
  • Plant propagation nurseries
  • Greenhouse production including hydroponics and aquaponics systems management
  • Cooperative sector


Upon completion of the BSc. Horticulture, those who qualify for master degree programme can choose to specialize in a specific field of horticulture.


Admission Process

Karatina University has intakes in January, May, and September for Full Time, Weekend and Evening classes. 

Application Procedure: Application forms for SSP can be obtained from Karatina University, Main Campus, School of Business, Karatina Town or can be downloaded here

Application fee is Ksh. 3,000 for PhD programmes, Ksh. 2,000 for Masters Programmes, Ksh. 1,000 for Undergraduate Programmes and Ksh. 500 for Diploma & and Certificate Programmes. Payments should be made in Bankers Cheque in favour of Karatina University or direct deposit to the University Account: Equity Bank, Karatina Branch, Ac. No. 0040298291603

Duly filled application forms (with relevant certificates and application payment slip attached) should be sent to:

 The Registrar

(Academic, Research and Student Affairs)
P.O. Box 1957 – 10101

 Or Email:



I am a proud alumnus of Karatina University. I graduated with BSc. Horticultural Science & Management in 2014 and later Master’s in Soil Science in 2021. After my undergraduate studies, I worked at Nini Roses Ltd, a flower export company in Naivasha as a Junior Supervisor and eventually secured a job as a Graduate Assistant at Karatina University. I believe that Karatina University has been a life changer for me. The inspiration and mentorship I received at Karatina University has shaped my career as a Researcher and now I look forward to a more luminous future as I embark on my PhD studies at the University of Bonn, Germany.


I am a Karatina University graduate with BSc. Horticultural Science & Management and Master’s degree in Horticulture. I was one of the pioneer students who studied at this University and has witnessed it grow from a campus to world class University.  Karatina University takes pride in quality training as well as nurturing young scholars, entrepreneurs and innovators. To attest to that, I was employed immediately I graduated as spray supervisor at Gicheha Farm Limited, Taveta (which is one of the largest hybrid maize seed multiplication farm in Kenya). I later worked as Technical assistant at Twiga Chemicals Limited (one of the biggest agro-chemical industries in Kenya) before joining Karatina University as a Graduate Assistant in the School of Agriculture and Biotechnology. As a graduate assistant I was trained on both academic and management work in a University while I studied my Master’s degree. Currently I lecture in the School of Agriculture and Biotechnology. Karatina University has been a key pillar towards what I have achieved in my academic and professional life; the knowledge, skills and training offered during my studies have enabled me to cope well with dynamics in the corporate world of agriculture. It is the fidelity to quality in training and customer-focused service delivery by this institution that offers me the enthusiasm and confidence to recommend any potential student wishing to join higher institution of learning to consider Karatina University as the second option after none.


My name is Maurine Jebotibin Birir an alumni of Karatina University. I joined Karatina University in the year 2010 October to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Horticultural Science and Management. The learning in class was enjoyable and informative. This was coupled with field visits which covered different regions in Kenya, including Coast, Rift Valley, Eastern and Western regions of the country. I graduated in 2014 November with a first class honors.  Soon after graduating, I joined Kenya Horticultural Exporters as a Pack-house Supervisor. I was also given a chance to instruct Diploma students at Karatina University for two years. In 2017 I joined Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) as a Unit manager at ADC Sirikwa farm, Molo- Nakuru, dealing with seed potato production from tissue culture to seed potato minituber production at the greenhouses hydroponics and aeroponic system.

I would really like to appreciate the kind of education I received from Karatina University because it prepared me fully for the field. I would like to appreciate all the lecturers and staff who made me go through my university education. 


I graduated from Karatina University in 2013 with BSc. in Horticultural Science and Management. Immediately after graduation, I got a job with Meru Greens Horticulture (MGH) which is one of the cottage industries dealing with production and marketing of horticultural produce.  I started as a field technician and my responsibility was to advise small holder farmers on different crop management techniques for optimum production. After one year, I was promoted to the position of Senior Agronomist and headed a team of staff. After two years I got promoted to a Project Manager within the same organization. In this position, I have been interacting with both private and public partners (PPP) in the horticulture sector in the country and outside Kenya.

Today I am proud of Karatina University for giving me the knowledge and skills that have enabled me excel in my career. From my experience I can ascertain that the Horticultural Science and Management curriculum at Karatina University is very rich in content as I have been able to carry out my job with ease.