Re: Report on incidence of fraud in Examination Results and Certificates
Karatina University Common Rules and Regulation guides a student on conduct during Examination and Academic requirements for one to Graduate and be awarded a Certificate. It has been reported that students are targets of fraud by a person purporting to work in Examination office. The fraudster claims that he can have the students’ marks adjusted so that those with supplementary or missing marks can have them keyed in the system after paying some amount of money. Further, in the social media there is a claim that a person can get a desired University Certificate after paying certain amount of money.
This is to CAUTION all students from being duped and consequently inform and advise that;
- The said person does not work in the University Examinations office.
- That the University fee payment Accounts and M-Pesa platform are the ones clearly stated in the fees structures and further communicated in admission letters. Requisite Fees is payable to any branch of Cooperative or Equity Bank with details as follows; Karatina Branch, Account Name- KARATINA UNIVERSITY Cooperative Bank: Account Number: 01129059776700
Equity Bank- Account Number: 0040298291603
NB: Fees can be paid via Mpesa Pay Bill as follows:
Lipa Na Mpesa.
Business Number: 716188
Account No: Student Registration Number.
Amount: PIN:
- That Section 2.5.6 of Karatina University Common Rules and Regulations on Schedule of Examination Offences and Applicable Penalties states that ‘Any emerging evidence of cheating, falsification of admission requirements and examination results, or committing any of the offences after the student has graduated, will result to a penalty of ‘Withdrawal or cancellation of the degree/diploma/certificate conferred on or awarded to the student upon establishing that cheating or falsification of results did indeed occur. ‘ .
- That Penal Code Cap.63 of laws of Kenya;349 states that ‘Any person who forges any document is guilty of an offence which, unless otherwise stated, is a felony and he is liable, unless owing to the circumstances of the forgery or the nature of the thing forged some other punishment is provided, to imprisonment for three years’.
- That passwords on student portal and email are to be kept confidential to avoid deceitful person accessing your information.
- That students should contacts their respective Dean of school and Head of Department to report any issue or seek clarification in relation to examinations results.
Students are expected at all time to upheld integrity moral and professional ethics in their academic lif