Admission Letters Portal

Admission Letters Portal

Welcome to the Admission Letter Portal.
This portal facilitates the downloading of Admission Letters for students admitted to Karatina University either by direct placement or via Inter-University Transfers. You are required to check on your Year of Admission to download the correct Admission Letter with the correct information.

  • If you were admitted in August 2016, click on the Joining 2016 August button
  • If you were admitted in August 2017, click on the Joining 2017 August button
  • If you were admitted in August 2018, click on the Joining 2018 August button
  • If you were admitted in August 2019, click on the Joining 2019 August button
  • If you were admitted in August 2020, click on the Joining 2020 August button
  • If you were admitted in September 2021, click on the Joining 2021 September button
  • If you are admitted in August 2022, click on the Joining 2022 August button
  • If you are admitted in August 2023, click on the Joining 2023 August button
  • If you are admitted in August 2024, click on the Joining 2024 August button

You are required to input your KCSE index number with the year you sat for your KCSE. e.g. Enter Index No Example – 00000000000/2023. If you joined in August 2020 your index ends with /2019. If you joined in August 2019, your index ends in /2018.

Example- For the new students joining in August 2024, if your KCSE index number is 12345678 you will visit  the link click here and input 12345678/2023 to generate the admission letter.

After inputting your index click submit index and download your Admission Letter.