STRATEGIC PLAN (2021-2025)
Executive Summary
THE STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE PERIOD 2021-2025 seeks to build on the foundation laid by the 2015-2020 Plan. An intensive review of the achievements, pending areas and challenges was carried out with the aim of identifying lessons learnt and missed opportunities that would otherwise have contributed to the growth of the University. The Plan also took into consideration feedback received from our key stakeholders as well as Government development priorities. While there were adjustments made to the Key Result Areas, the Vision, Mission and Core Values remain unchanged. We are convinced that there is more to be achieved under these broad statements as conceived back in 2015. The Vision, therefore, remains “To be a University of global excellence, meeting the dynamic needs and development of society” while the Mission remains “To conserve, create and disseminate knowledge through training, research, innovation and community outreach”.
The Historical, Legal and Institutional Framework
The Historical, Legal and Institutional Framework presents the development of Karatina University, the rationale and the methodology of the Strategic Plan. The current plan is based on the balanced scorecard approach, which seeks to enhance the cascading process and assignment of responsibility to specific centres and individuals. This will ensure all targets are implemented and followed up closely. As the University positions itself to play its role in the National agenda and developmental challenges, it takes cognizance of the importance of the linkages and collaborations in the achievement of the set strategic objectives. We have therefore identified the key stakeholders who we believe will assist the University in its planned path of development.
During the Plan Period, the strategy focus for the University will emphasize the following Key Results Areas (KRAs): 1. Academic Excellence 2. Research, Innovation and Technology 3. Financial Sustainability; and 4. Institutional Capacity.
The Key Result Areas
The Key Result Areas will be actioned through the following strategic objectives:
1. To produce quality graduates.
2. Enhance entrenchment of ODEL systems and pedagogies.
3. Production of quality research and innovations.
4. Enhance linkages and partnerships with industry and other institutions.
5. Enhance Resource Mobilization Capacity & prudent Management
6. Strengthen institutional capacity to deliver quality services.
A corporate strategy map and a balanced scorecard matrix have been developed to match the identified Key Result Areas and to assign responsibility.
The Institutional Capacity.
The Institutional Capacity and resources required to implement the Plan have been analyzed to come up with the resource gap. The University will develop strategies to close this gap. Going by previous experience, an appropriate implementation and coordination mechanism has been developed which identifies what the University must accomplish before, during and post implementation period. The risk factors that might affect the implementation of the Strategic Plan were identified and appropriate mitigating factors recommended. The Plan has also proposed a monitoring and evaluation framework that will ensure timely reporting of deviations and immediate corrective action.
The Launch of the third cycle of the Karatina University Strategic Plan ( 2021-2025) by the Principal Secretary , State Department for University Education and Research, AMB. Simon Nabukwesi and the Karatina University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mucai Muchiri.