Dr. Sheila Kilonzi (skilonzo@karu.ac.ke) and Nashilluh Brendah Kabindio (bkabindio@karu.ac.ke)
Karatina University (KarU), on Tuesday, 21st June 2022, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), as a partner, with the Africa Center of Excellence for Population Health and Policy (ACEPH) of Bayero University in Kano, Nigeria and the Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI) as the main coordinating partners. The overall goal of the MOA is to collaborate on matters of nutrition and dietetics mentorship, research and training in order to produce skilled nutritionists and other health related to population health. The focus will be on conducting research to achieve sustainable development goals through linking research findings to policy formulation and implementation in Kenya and Nigeria. The Agreement will benefit students and teaching staff undertaking nutrition and dietetics and health sciences research through a variety of programmes.

The Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Sarah Ruto, who spoke on behalf of the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Prof. George Magoha, lauded this south-south collaboration stating that it fits into the research priorities of the Ministry. The CAS stressed the role nutrition plays in the Vision 2030 and pledged the Ministry’s support towards strengthening research and collaboration.
Speaking during the event, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mucai Muchiri, underscored the role of nutrition in human health. He congratulated the Kenya Nutrition and Dietetics Institute (KNDI) for bringing together six universities to partner in the call for a healthy society. The Vice Chancellor emphasized the need for local collaborations and sharing of available resources to enhance research and innovation activities in the country. He further expressed his support, and that of Karatina University, to the venture indicating that several programmes in the institution will benefit from the partnership.

The Vice Chancellor of Bayero University, Prof. Sidira Ademo, said that the move to partner with Kenyan universities was motivated by the fact that there are many common areas of interests among the institutions. He noted that Bayero University looks forward to improving nutrition through ACEPH and the Kenyan universities.

The Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI), Dr. David Okeyo, emphasized the need for multi-sectoral approach towards broadening skills for learners through student and faculty exchange programmes. He further noted that KNDI looks forward to improving nutrition and dietetics programmes within universities.

The other universities in the partnership include Pwani University, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Technical University of Kenya, Mount Kenya University and Eastern Africa Baraton University.

KarU is accredited by KNDI to train and research in nutrition and dietetics. The Institution endeavors to become a centre of excellence for nutrition and health in research, training, outreach services and capacity building. The signing ceremony was also witnessed by the Dean, School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Dr. Grace Kamotho and the Head of Department, Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Sheila Kilonzi.