Internal Audit Department staff with teachers of the School

In response to the Acting Vice Chancellor’s call for every department in the University to engage in community outreach activities, the Internal Audit Department, through the Centre for Community Outreach, held a one- day mentorship exercise at St Albert Giakaibei Secondary School on Wednesday, 26th July 2023. The exercise targeted Form Two and Form Three students taking Business Studies with the main objective of offering them valuable knowledge and introducing them to the diverse career options in the field of Business Studies.  It was also intended to enhance their self-awareness on how to make sound career choices and how to improve on their daily activities.

Led by the Senior Internal Auditor, Ms. Cicely Mukami, the team was received by the Head teacher, Mr. James Gachunji and the Business Studies teacher, Mr. Joseph N. Karithi. The event served as a crucial platform for students to gather essential information in the business field enabling them to make well-informed decisions about their future career paths. Furthermore, it encouraged them to explore various career possibilities and empowered them to make informed choices regarding their educational future.


Ms. Cicely Mukami, the Senior Internal Auditor, engaging with the students

The students were encouraged to pursue their ambitions based on their interests and passion which would enable them to have an easy choice of career. They were informed of eighteen (18) different business career paths to consider along with lists of specific jobs for each track such as: Finance (Investment Analyst, Risk Managers or Portfolio Analyst), Accounting (Accountant, Internal or External Auditor), Entrepreneurship (Business owners), Hospitality (Hotel Managers), Advertising and Marketing (Marketing Specialist) and Economist (Actuary) among others.

Other representatives who took part in this activity were drawn from the Office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs. They took the students through the different courses offered by the University and the joining requirements. They helped students understand the cluster subjects and the importance of cluster points in pursuing a particular course. The School was given brochures detailing the various courses offered by the University.

The Internal Audit Department looks forward to continually mentoring the students until the completion of their studies.